TTMIK Level 3 Package (Grammar Textbook + Workbook)
TTMIK Level 3 Package (Grammar Textbook + Workbook)
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Get the TTMIK Level 2 grammar textbook and workbook together in one set!
Tables of Contents
Level 2 Korean Grammar Textbook
Lesson 1. Future Tense / -(으)ㄹ 거예요
Lesson 2. Object Marking Particles / -을, -를
Lesson 3. And, And then, Therefore, So / 그리고, 그래서
Lesson 4. And, With / -하고, -(이)랑
Lesson 5. Days of the Week / 요일
Lesson 6. But, However / 그렇지만, 그런데
Lesson 7. “To” someone, “From” someone / -한테, -한테서
Lesson 8. Telling Time / 한 시, 두 시, 세 시, 네 시, …
Lesson 9. Counters / 개, 명
Lesson 10. Present Progressive / -고 있어요
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Lesson 11. Self Introduction / 자기소개
Lesson 12. What is the Date? / 날짜
Lesson 13. Too, Also / -도 (Part 1)
Lesson 14. Too, Also / -도 (Part 2)
Lesson 15. Only / -만
Lesson 16. A bit, Really, Very, Not really, Not at all / 조금, 정말, 진짜, 아주, 별로, 전혀
Lesson 17. Can, Cannot / -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다
Lesson 18. To be good/poor at… / 잘하다, 못하다
Lesson 19. Making Verbs Into Nouns / -는 것
Lesson 20. Have to, Should, Must / -아/어/여야 되다/하다
[Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Kimchi Fried Rice
Lesson 21. More… than… / -보다 더
Lesson 22. To like / 좋다 vs 좋아하다
Lesson 23. If, In case / 만약, -(으)면
Lesson 24. Still, Already / 아직, 벌써
Lesson 25. “Someone, Something, Somewhere, Someday / 누군가, 무언가, 어딘가, 언젠가”
Lesson 26. Imperative / -(으)세요
Lesson 27. Please do it for me / -아/어/여 주세요
Lesson 28. Method, Way / -(으)로
Lesson 29. All, More / 다, 더
Lesson 30. Don’t do it / -지 마세요
[Blog] Travel in Korea — T-money (티머니 카드)
Level 2 Korean Grammar Workbook
How to use the Talk To Me In Korean Workbook
Quick guide to 한글 (Hangeul)
Lesson 1. Future Tense / -(으)ㄹ 거예요
Lesson 2. Object Marking Particles / -을, -를
Lesson 3. And, And then, Therefore, So / 그리고, 그래서
Lesson 4. And, With / -하고, -(이)랑
Lesson 5. Days of the Week / 요일
Lesson 6. But, However / 그렇지만, 그런데
Lesson 7. “To” someone, “From” someone / -한테, -한테서
Lesson 8. Telling Time / 한 시, 두 시, 세 시, 네 시, …
Lesson 9. Counters / 개, 명
Lesson 10. Present Progressive / -고 있어요
Lesson 11. Self Introduction / 자기소개
Lesson 12. What is the Date? / 날짜
Lesson 13. Too, Also / -도 (Part 1)
Lesson 14. Too, Also / -도 (Part 2)
Lesson 15. Only / -만
Lesson 16. A bit, Really, Very, Not really, Not at all / 조금, 정말, 진짜, 아주, 별로, 전혀
Lesson 17. Can, Cannot / -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다
Lesson 18. To be good/poor at… / 잘하다, 못하다
Lesson 19. Making Verbs Into Nouns / -는 것
Lesson 20. Have to, Should, Must / -아/어/여야 되다/하다
Lesson 21. More… than… / -보다 더
Lesson 22. To like / 좋다 vs 좋아하다
Lesson 23. If, In case / 만약, -(으)면
Lesson 24. Still, Already / 아직, 벌써
Lesson 25. “Someone, Something, Somewhere, Someday / 누군가, 무언가, 어딘가, 언젠가”
Lesson 26. Imperative / -(으)세요
Lesson 27. Please do it for me / -아/어/여 주세요
Lesson 28. Method, Way / -(으)로
Lesson 29. All, More / 다, 더
Lesson 30. Don’t do it / -지 마세요