TTMIK Level 4 Korean Grammar Workbook
TTMIK Level 4 Korean Grammar Workbook
HARU에서 픽업 사용 가능
일반적으로 24시간 후 준비 완료
If you’ve finished studying or are in the middle of studying the level 4 lessons at Talk To Me In Korean, you can now practice and test your Korean with this workbook. Developed by certified teachers to help you review and reinforce what you’ve learned in the Talk To Me In Korean lessons, this workbook contains 3 main categories of review and 13 types of exercises.
1. Vocabulary
2. Comprehension
3. Dictation
Types of Exercises
1. Checking for understanding
2. Complete the dialogue
3. Conjugation practice
4. Contraction practice
5. Dialogue
6. Expansion practice
7. Fill in the blanks
8. Matching
9. Reading
10. Spacing Practice
11. Tense Conjugation
12. Translation Practice
13. Writing Practice
Tables of Contents
How to use the Talk To Me In Korean Workbook
Lesson 1. The more…, the more… / -(으)면 -(으)ㄹ수록
Lesson 2. Do you want to…? / -(으)ㄹ래요?
Lesson 3. It cannot be… / -(으)ㄹ 리가 없어요
Lesson 4. Verb Ending: -지(요) / -지(요)
Lesson 5. “당신” and “you” / 당신
Lesson 6. Word Builder 3 / 동(動)
Lesson 7. It is okay, I am okay. / 괜찮아요.
Lesson 8. It is okay to…, You don’t have to… / -아/어/여도 돼요, 안 -아/어/여도 돼요
Lesson 9. You should not…, You are not supposed to… / -(으)면 안 돼요
Lesson 10. Among, Between / 중에서, 사이에서, 사이에
Lesson 11. Any / 아무 (Part 1)
Lesson 12. To try doing something / -아/어/여 보다
Lesson 13. Word Builder 4 / 불(不)
Lesson 14. Sometimes, Often, Always, Seldom, Never / 가끔, 자주, 항상, 별로, 전혀
Lesson 15. Any / 아무 (Part 2)
Lesson 16. Spacing in Korean / 띄어쓰기 (Part 1)
Lesson 17. Word Contractions – Topic/Subject marker / 축약형 (Part 1) – 주격 조사
Lesson 18. The most / 제일, 가장
Lesson 19. Less, Not completely / 덜
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 1
Lesson 21. Spacing in Korean / 띄어쓰기 (Part 2)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 5 / 장(場)
Lesson 23. Word Contractions / 축약형 (Part 2)
Lesson 24. Much (more), Much (less) / 훨씬
Lesson 25. -(으)ㄹ + noun (future tense noun group) / -(으)ㄹ + 명사, -(으)ㄹ 것
Lesson 26. -(으)ㄴ + noun (past tense noun group) / -(으)ㄴ + 명사, -(으)ㄴ 것
Lesson 27. I think that… / … 것 같다
Lesson 28. To become + adjective / -아/어/여지다
Lesson 29. To gradually get to do, To end up doing / -게 되다
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 2