Shop in Korea
Shop in any Korean store...and have it delivered to your doorstep.
Do you want to order from a store in Korea and get it delivered without the hassle of worrying over shipping costs, custom costs and long delivery time? Do you want to buy items from Korea but not sure where to get them from? HARU has the solutions.

Kindly note that rates are based on current exchange rates.
- Service Fee: 10%
- International Shipping + Customs Fee: N9,325/KG ($14.34/KG)
- Local delivery rates are excluded from the above cost and ranges between N2,000 and N4,000 within Nigeria (pickup available for Lagos orders). Contact us for other African countries.
- Fill out the form and submit
- HARU receives the form and processes it
- HARU gets back to you with more information
- Once order is finalized, HARU sources and/or orders the items
Click here to fill out the form: form